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Oh Deer

So dear, oh dear
My head it tends to stray away sometimes I cant see clear
Oh dear, oh dear
In spite of all the things I said, I always want you near

(Matt Costa - Oh dear)


Powderam Castle, River Exe, Devon

Ha la stessa faccia di puro piacere soddisfatto che fa la mia gattina (Mimmilei) quando, dopo 1000 contorcimenti, riesce a gattarsi proprio quel punto lì dietro l'orecchio... hai mai osservato con che delicatezza usano gli artigli per grattarsi DENTRO le orecchie...?... se lo facessi io me le sarei già sfrangiate tutte! Lei, invece, sembra che usi un cotton fioc! :-)))
Ciao bella e complimenti anche per le foto!

Che tenerooo!!!!

Proprio vero...hanno uno sguardo intenso e dolce...ed è una creatura di un'eleganza particolare!

Bella foto stella...bisogna pazientare a volte per far foto ad animali...ma ne vale la pena e mentre sei lì che li osservi è bellissimo...quante cose potremmo imparare o "recuperare" osservando gli animali! :-)
Come per i bambini!;-)

Un abbraccio

Lovely perfect photo.

Timido sguardo
dal prato mi osserva
un cervo rosso

That really is a lovely picture, tender and gentle just the effect you wanted. The colours are superbly balanced and the clarity is excellent.

The horns I think are good on this deer they give it more depth whilst because it's a young deer it still has that speckled marking, it makes for a good combination.

This is a Fallow Deer, a widely distributed deer species in Britain. It's one of the few deer species where adults have spotted coats. Antlers are shed each year (horns are different in that they are not shed).

Good photo, by the way. Shows some behavior: scratching, swatting flies or kneeing itself in the groin. It probably had that foot scratching the side of its face, or is about to. Nice catching the turn of the head to get a better sense of the shape, spread and texture of the antlers. Good color under what looks to be thinly-clouded skies which allows for less contrast and more saturated colors.

blueplanet, you are right. there was no light at all, it was very cloudy and I am impressed by your technical skills, and not, since you make such beautiful pictures and you have such a long experience in taking photographs. Also I see you like animals and know their behaviour very well. Thanks for all these information you gave :)

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